Why Is Aluminium Sought-After As A Scrap Metal?

All sorts of metals can be recycled effectively once they have reached the end of their useful lives in their current form. Steel and copper are two very sought-after metals that can be repurposed without a great deal of time and effort. Another very useful scrap metal is aluminium. Thanks to its numerous uses in manufacturing industries and fabrication projects, it commands some of the highest prices of all non-precious metals when it is scrapped. [Read More]

Make A Difference: Why Use Local Recycling Centres

If you toss your recyclables into your curbside bins, it's time for a change. It's time to start using the local recycling centres instead. Have you never taken your recyclable materials to a recycling centre before? You might think you're better off using the curbside bins. That's not the case though. Recycling centres provide the better option for getting rid of your recyclables. If you're not sure how that can be, read the list provided below. [Read More]

Five Reasons Your Business Needs Document Shredding

Does your business deal with delicate and sensitive details? Whether your documents contain financial records or customer information, documents with sensitive information can put you at risk of legal issues if they're not handled properly. Here are five reasons your business needs document shredding services. 1. Some Documents Legally Require Document Shredding If your business deals with clients, then you likely have documents that contain their personal and confidential details. According to Australian privacy law, if your business holds personal information that could lead to identity theft, then these documents need to be destroyed in a manner that ensures that details and individuals can not be identified. [Read More]

Emerging Technologies in the Metal Recycling Industry

The environmental and economic benefits of scrap metal recycling are integral to the fast-paced world we live in today. Over the years, advancements in technology have continued to transform the metal recycling industry, much to the benefit of business owners and society. Yet despite the strides made over the years, there is always room for improvement. This article highlights emerging metal recycling techniques that are transforming the industry.  High-Performance Metal Shredders [Read More]